a small town in Southern Lithuania
Where the Jewish Community is no more

Index to the pictures of graduate students of the Vilkaviskis Jewish Gymnasium for the years 1925, 1929, 1930 1931 and 1933

Akabas A. 1924 Goldschmidt Y. 1931 Lichtziher A. 1929 Serbnitzki M. 1933
Akabas A. 1924 Gotkovskit R. 1925 Lipinski Y. 1930 Setelovoskit or Stelovski G. 1928
Akabas S. 1928 Gotlieb D. 1931 London D. 1925 Shapiro D. 1931
Alexsander M. 1928 Gotlieb H. 1925 Malach V. 1924 Shapiro S. 1933
April M. 1926 Greenberg R. 1929 Malcovitch H. 1929 Shapirovitz A. 1929
Aronovitch S. 1924 Guberski M. 1931 Mariampolsky M. 1928 Sharshanevski M.Z. 1926
Atkovoskit or Atkovskil L. 1928 Gutmanovitch S. 1929 Mazbolevitch S. 1925 Shimberg N. 1924
Bal-Shem Y. 1930 Hakten A. 1925 Melamedovitch M. 1929 Shimburg A. 1926
Baruch Y. 1924 Halperin S. 1925 Memlovski S. 1931 Shimson Y. 1933
Bernshtein G. 1924 Halperin S. 1930 Meshurer B. 1925 Shiprovitz
Bialoblocki C. 1926 Haskel A. or I 1925 Meshurer L. 1925 Shperling S. 1930
Biroblotzki or Biloblotzki B. 1928 Haskel M. 1929 Metz A. 1924 Shperling Y. 1931
Bronstein N. 1925 Haskel P. 1928 Metz H. 1925 Shperling Z. 1930
Budkin Y. 1926 Hayat M. 1930 Metz S. 1924 Shulman G. 1926
Byeloblotzki N. 1925 Hayat P. 1931 Michnitsky Y. 1925 Sirkin A. 1930
Cohen A. 1926 Hayat Y. 1931 Miktin or Tiktin M. 1924 Slutzky M. 1929
Cohen M. 1929 Hazan A. 1928 Mishkotz M. 1929 Sobolevitch Y. 1933
Cohen Y 1929 Igdelski A.1924 Mishkotz P. 1929 Sorevnitsky Y. 1933
Cohen Y 1931 Issackson C. 1933 Moi H.1929 Sorovnitsky H. 1925
Dekelbaum P. 1931 Issacson S. 1928 Nishtot D. 1930 Stokoveskit G. 1928
Diament B. 1925 Itzler M. 1925 Nolar M. 1929 Susnitsky A. 1929
Dimant S. 1926 Kagan M. 1930 Oliamperl M. 1926 Suvnitsky A. 1929
Diskind Y 1931 Kagan S. 1925 Oliemperel A. 1928 Tabarishkit A. 1929
Duvidovitch C 1929 Kahanski ? 1929 Oshpitz M. 1924 Taborisski A. 1928
Dvaretkit T 1929 Kahanski H. 1924 Paulutshik M. 1928 Teitelbaum Y.1928
Dvoretzkit C.1929 Kahanski L. 1928 Politchik N. 1933 Tiktin Y. 1925
Eckstein or Aishesko A. 1926 Kalmantinovsky ? 1925 Rabinovich L. 1926 Tompovski A. 1929
Eishishkit or Eishimit C. 1928 Kaplan or Klein A. 1926 Rabinovitch ? 1929 Tzerbertzki C. 
Ekst S. 1930 Kaplan S. 1926 Rabinovitz A. 1925 Varshavski A. 1925
Elbas M. 1933 Katz D. 1926 Ravitsky M .1929 Varshavski A. 1930
Elbaz S. 1929 Kimeneshki D. 1924 Regulah S. 1925 Varshavsky A. 1924
Erstein P.1924 Kisinishki Y. 1930 Retzia S. 1929 Varshavsky C. 1924
Factorovsky R. 1933 Klemantinovski Y. 1924 Rinek A. 1924 Vedinberg or Verdiger Z. 1926
Factorovsky S. 1933 Klitzka M. 1930 Ringel P. 1929 Veluvvitsky A. 1925
Farbstein Y. 1930 Klitzka Y. 1930 Rog Y. 1933 Ventner or Ratner Y. 1926
Fergost or Broviski S. 1928 Kremer A. 1930 Rosenfeld A. 1925 Vetog or Vietman M. 1926
Fertzman Y. 1929 Kuvnitsky Y. 1929 Rosenfeld Y. 1926 Vilenchik M. 1925
Fineberg C. 1930 Kuvznik M. 1931 Rosenfeld Z. 1929 Vilenchik N. 1924
Fineberg D. 1924 Kvint Y. 1929 Rosenthal M. 1924 Vilenski Y. 1926
Fineberg Y 1930 Kvutzevski C. 1931 Rotbard S. 1928 Vizanski B. 1926
Fineburg M. 1926 Ladarnovosky Y. 1926 Rozenblum D. 1931 Vizanski B. 1928
Fridman S. 1928 Landau Y. 1926 Rozenfeld A.D. 1926 Yardeni G. 1925
Friedman M. 1933 Landau Z. 1928 Rozenholtz A. 1924 Yarovski M. 1930
Gartner Y. 1926 Lapidot Z. 1926 Rozenholtz A. 1928 Yesner Z. 1933
Gen D 1925 Lechem Y. 1931 Rozenholtz Y. M. 1926 Yezner or Yohna A. 1928
Gen S. 1929 Lev A. 1929 Rubinov A. 1933 Zarnutsky
Gendel N. 1933 Levin K. 1933 Rubinovitch C. 1924 Zedak L. 1929
Gilgolovsky T. 1926 Levin R. 1931 Rubinovitz ? 1926 Zeiberg or Viberg M. 1926
Goldberg D. 1924 Levit R. 1933 Ruguzik H. 1929 Zelinger Y. 1925
Goldberg H. 1926 Levit S. 1925 Semolis C. 1929 Zelinger Z. 1926
Zerek B. 1928
Zidek Z. 1925
Zilber Y. 1925
Zilberstein Y. 1924
Ziman V. 1925
Ziman Y. 1930
Zimanski A.C. 1931
Zimanski S. 1928
Zimelzon S. 1926
Click here for index of
High School Graduates
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Other pictures from the Gymnasium
Full scale graduation pictures
This site was created by Ralph Salinger
of Kibbutz Kfar Ruppin. Israel